Prep your images for the Web
I have been asked several times how I prepare images for posting on Facebook or 500px or deviantart etc… I have built an Action that will perform about 95% of the work required at a click of a button. I review each image as some, depending on content, will require some manual tweaking to optimize it for display on the web. Below is a breakdown of what I do in my Action. You can follow the steps and customize it to your needs and create your own Action.
I will make certain assumption that are based on my current workflow. These are:
- You are working with a 16-bit imageĀ (less gradation artifacts especially when shooting in studio)
- You are working in the Adobe RGB workspace or better ( ProFoto, etc )
- Your image is at full resolution
- Create your Action ( I named mine prepForWeb )
If you need help on this follow the link below - Convert image to 8 bits ( Image -> Mode -> 8-bits/Channel )
- Convert image to sRGB color space ( Edit -> Convert To Proile -> sRGB IEC61966-2.1 )
- Resize image to desired size for the web ( Image -> Image Size )
- Set resolution to either 96 or 72 Pixel/Inch
- Create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer on top of the Layer stack
- Up the Saturation slider to +15
- Leave all others as they are.
- Create a new Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer on top of the Layer stack
- Up the Contract slider to +15
- You can end the Action at this point
- Tweak the image to desired taste ( this will vary individually and also on your monitor calibration setting )
- Once you have the color and contrast right its time for sharpening (Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen )
- Keep Radius very low and adjust Amount as required.
Save Image for web (File -> Save for Web)
- Select JPEG from the Format dropdown
- Select Quality required (I useĀ between 70 – 80 )
- Click on Optimized
- Click on Embed Color Profile
- Convert to sRGB should already be clicked if you followed the above
- On the Preview I select No Color Management, to better see how it will look on the Net
- CAUTION: Do not change the size here, you should have done it prior to arriving to this step.
- Click Done
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Bonjour Robert,
So very gracious of you!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, much appreciated.